Tuesday, September 2, 2008

OCLS Learn 2.1

Wow. What a difference a year makes!

I now listen to a bunch of different podcasts, mostly about Geocaching (but that's only because there aren't any for Flyball).

I'm hoping to get alot out of this course, learning about the latest and greatest the web has to offer. I'm also taking a class online called "Preparing Instructional Media" for school, so I see this really complementing my learning experience.

Thanks Tom!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Week 9

Share - Where do you stand on the digital rights management debate? Should media be offered with unrestricted rights or pay per use rights? Metallica or Napster? Ipod or Etunes? Create a blog entry to tell us how you feel.

I just wish they would get rid of it already!! It's so frustrating having to jump through hoops trying to get X to work with Y, etc etc. For music, any artiest can put on a concert and make mad money off of it. Truly - the last concert cost me $50+ to get myself through the door.

I tried iTunes for awhile, but it just ate up space on my laptop and it took FOREVER when it needed an update. So pft.

Check out my mad Widget! (It's somewhere on this page.)

Week 10

What am I going to do with my MP3 Player??? What am I NOT going to do with my MP3 player?

I love audio books, so I'll be using NetLibrary alot. For the Explore project, I downloaded "A Good Dog: The Story of Orson, Who Changed My Life" by Katz. I'm really unhappy because I know how the book ends. Ok, I don't LOVE audiobooks, but I commute alot and they are more entertaining that radio.

I might delve into Podcasts, but I'm still on the fence about those. Sorry, but some Podcasts use old radio transitions/gimmicks and that drives me crazy! Maybe I haven't found the right ones yet.

So what are we suppose to do with this blog once it's done? Are we keeping these forever and ever? Are they are personal blogs now?

When does OCLS Learn 2.1 come out?

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Week 8

Share – Post a blog entry that discusses this course. Think about on-line learning – do you like it? Why or why not? Without mentioning names, have you offered to help anyone? Has someone helped you? How? Are you part of a team working on this together? How is that working out? Did you reach out to another location? Realize that this is all part of a larger program called Life.exe. In Life.exe, we all have to work together, and when we do, we all benefit. Sort of Hippy logic, I know, but it is something I believe in. (what did you expect from someone that thinks Tony Alva is cool?)

Ugh, online learning! As someone who's taking her Master's degree all online, it drives me crazy sometimes! It's so easy to do a task, but not really learn the lesson, and sometimes it's hard to get the point across w/out having the ability to learn audio/visually.

This course however, is nice - what I love about it is the flexible due dates times. It allows me to work on it when I can. Way nicer than most profs. During week two, I did take time before the branch opened and "taught" how to register for the class/blogger. Haven't been able to do that since, but I think it helped alot of people get over that initial hurdle.

Bwah??? What is this Life.exe, and how do I get it? Sounds nice. ;-)

Flickr? http://www.flickr.com/photos/mdh_ocls/

Monday, June 11, 2007

Week 6

Share your favorite library technology in your blog. It could be something here at OCLS or something you have seen at another library. If you are having trouble, write about your favorite Web 2.0 library application. Link and share any cool applications not mentioned here. If you did the Adventure exercise, how might this info be helpful?

Well! Umm...

I like how the library is moving toward the flash website, but I won't say I love it. I'm really not sure what you're looking for on this one.

Oh! I do like our Vitural Galleries, but I'm not sure how easy they are to get to for the public. It's kinda like the Online Databases - we've had to restort to creating a "how-to" 8 step sheet to give to the public so they know how to use the resource.

What should I read next? Eh.
Shelfari - I would like it, except that the books I was looking for I couldn't find.
BookMooch - Eh. The library doesn't charge postage. ;-)
LibraryThing - much better. Could find my Flyball book. http://www.librarything.com/catalog/flyballgal
Elf - seems interesting. Certainly more convenient for families that have to keep track of multiple cards.
GuruLib - This has kinda been what I've been looking for for awhile. But the interface seems dated. I guess you can't have it all.

I do like Del.icio.us.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Week 5

So this is catchup week?

In that case, have I mentioned I love flyball?

As for the meez.... this is what everyone was spending hours working on? Jeez. :-)

Monday, June 4, 2007